Driving Data from the Core

Put Data at the Core

Data should be at the core of any business. Regardless of where it is stored, users should be able to access, understand and use it dynamically. From a data core users can enable and drive a multitude of solutions, solutions that are defined by data, leverage data or enhance data.

Challenge: Data Adapts Dynamically, So Should Business

Data is dynamic, frequently changing. In an environment of dynamic data it is difficult for a business to maintain control. To keep up with change, users frequently duplicate, modify and interpret it for their own needs.

Good governance is a necessary step to gain a view of data across an organisation. But it is not sufficient to control and truly put data at the core of a business. All aspects of a business affected or driven by data should be able to dynamically adapt without cobbling together ad hoc versions or personal copies.

Bridge the Gap

Data Designer is a platform that works across the lifecycle through key features listed below, bridging the gap between data source and where its needed. Features can be used for their own merits or interwoven to create specific tools like Data Reg and Data Govern.

For more information, see datadesigner.io.

Figure 1: www.datadesigner.io

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