Complex Data Solutions Made Easy

JC Chapman is helping build data-driven solutions across the data lifecycle, that bridge the gap between data demands now, and transitioning towards a future architecture.

Tangled Systems

Many companies have a tangle of systems and repositories, making access to and analysis of their data a laborious and expensive effort. Federations of legacy input systems of varying technologies provide poor data validation at source that are difficult to replace without breaking their integration with downstream systems. This is further complicated for those in highly regulated industries, inundated by continuous streams of data requests from government agencies that a company must meet.

These related problems result in expensive transformation programmes, replacing large sections of systems to improve data quality and meet changing stakeholder needs. In the case of timelines too tight for these programmes, huge efforts are undertaken using a large number of staff to manually compile, validate and scrub requested data. Often the full data request cannot be met because the requested data is not one the company normally collects, is not collected in the exact form specified, or is difficult to access from source systems in the time given.

Fulfilling data requests and system transformation programmes is costing companies billions.

Costly Transformations or Controlled Transitions

What is needed is an overlay to organise this mess without requiring massive system transformations overnight. Something that can allow a company to intelligently respond to the changing data needs of its internal and external stakeholders without having to mobilise large one-off efforts using expensive resources. Something to manage a company’s data resources from modelling and definitions through to creation, extraction and validation.

A manager that can work with existing systems would not require a massive transformation but allow for a gradual transition of systems where needed while servicing immediate needs. By being able to automatically generate and update applications for inputting and storing validated data, transition can be managed by quickly replacing horizontal slices of a company’s systems. Leveraging data requests of regulatory bodies as part of a company’s systems and modelling efforts means that future requests can be more readily met instead of creating a complex array of standalone databases just to service their needs.

Complex Data Solutions Made Easy

In the above video we demonstrate how JC Chapman is helping build data-driven solutions across the data lifecycle, bridging the gap between data demands now, and transitioning towards a future architecture.

An integrated data solution benefits each lifecycle stage, by:

  • Designing, or generating, a data model that builds an application;
  • Integrating constraints validation and other complex rules frameworks to further validate data;
  • Supporting sharing via audited common repositories and data export;
  • Full control and audit of changes, with versioning, branching, merging and historical tracking;
  • Exporting models and data in various formats enabling transmission to stakeholders or existing systems;
  • Enabling data users to collaborate on the development, management or analysis of models or data;
  • Providing well defined and structured data for access and querying by Business Intelligence tools; and
  • Rapidly responding to new data requirements through auto-generation of applications and repository changes

Benefits across a data lifecycle, include:

  • Integrating, and managing existing systems through one common layer; and
  • Rapidly replacing horizontal slices of systems as part of a transition programme;

Please contact us for more information on how JC Chapman can help meet your data demands.

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