FinRep / CoRep: EBA database table covering Domain definitions in XML format

FinRep / CoRep: EBA database table covering Domain definitions in XML format

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This page is for demonstration only. JC Chapman is the sole author. It is not an official publication of any government or regulatory body.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataroot generated="2014-06-19T15:35:54" xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Domain.xsd">
    <DomainDescription>Details the data type (eg monetary, percentage, string) of the data point. In XBRL, it is the "primary item". 
Generally, it indicates the "metrics" of the Main category provided (ie answers the question: how is measured?).
It should be defined for each data point. 
In the case of monetary values, when the data point is referred to a period of time (ie duration), the member name shall finish in "(flow)". When the member name has other terminations, the data point is referred to a date (ie "stock" or "instant").</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Base items</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the basic conceptual meaning of a data point. 
Identifies the framework in which a data point is included. For FINREP, it indicates in which group of element of the financial statement should be included the data point (eg assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses). For COREP, it indicates whether the data point should be computed in the numerator (own funds) or the denominator (exposures) of the Pillar I solvency ratio. 
It determines whether the data point has a "debit" or a "credit" attribute.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Main category</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Specifies the nature of the item reported (ie answers the question: what is reported?). 
For financial instruments, defines the instrument (eg deposits, debt securities issued…) or range of instruments reported. 
It should be defined for each data point.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainDescription>Approach used for the calculation of capital requirements (or exposure value in LR)</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Boolean total</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Dimensions having only two values (usually denoted true and false)</DomainDescription>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the terms and conditions of the collateral and guarantees</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Computability in own funds</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Specifies the way in which the item computes in own funds</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Callability of the instruments</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>For instruments on which a call option has been incorporated, it indicates whether they meet the conditions to qualify for inclusion in own funds.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Credit protection</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Concepts related with the application of Credit Risk Mitigation techniques.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Credit quality</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the credit quality of the exposures according to the Credit Quality Steps scale</DomainDescription>
    <DomainDescription>Party other than the reporting institution in a contract or transaction.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Exposure classes</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the exposure class for capital requirement purposes</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>External ratings</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Concepts related with external credit ratings.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Event type</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the type of event that has generated an operational loss.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Geographical area</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Geographical area</DomainDescription>
    <DomainDescription>Concepts related with monitoring credit quality of financial assets and off-balance sheet items (eg past due, impaired, defaulted)</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Type of market</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the type of market on which reported instruments are traded. It includes the fair value hierarchy.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>NACE code</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>NACE classification of economic activities</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Positions in the instrument</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the position (long/short) taken in the instrument, as well as the aggregation level related to the market risk capital requirement calculations (gross/net).</DomainDescription>
    <DomainDescription>Defined the portfolios reported. It comprises both accounting portfolios (eg Available-for-sale) and prudential portfolios (eg trading book).</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Reference period</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines a relative time point (reference date or period) to which the data refers.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainDescription>Purpose of the contract or transaction.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Related parties/Relationships</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the relationship between the reporting institution with an entity or a person; in particular, it specifies the type of related party.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Role in the securitisation process</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the role played by the reporting entity in the securitisation process.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Type of risk</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Indicates the type of risk arising from exposures or transactions (eg credit risk or market risk).</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Risk transfer treatment</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Type of risk transfer (synthetic or transitional securitisations) and accounting treatment of the transaction</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Securitisation structure</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Tranche of the exposure in the securitisation structure</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Type of activity</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the type of activity reported (eg asset management or custody)</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Time interval</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Time bands (eg > 60 days <= 90 days).</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Underlying exposures in securitisations</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Underlying exposures in securitisations</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Correlation Trading Portfolio</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>CTP or non-CTP</DomainDescription>
    <DomainDescription>Defines different liquidity-related conditions of assets and liabilities</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Legal entity</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>An association, corporation, partnership, proprietorship, trust, or individual that has legal standing in the eyes of law</DomainDescription>
    <DomainDescription>Financial instrument that represents: an ownership position in a publicly-traded corporation (stock), a creditor relationship with governmental body or a corporation (bond), or rights to ownership as represented by an option.</DomainDescription>
    <DomainDescription>Pool of individual assets packaged as a security</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Contingent scenario</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Defines the contingent scenarios whose impact is reported</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Scope of consolidation</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Different scopes of consolidation of reporting when different from CRR scope</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Covered bond</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Name or unambiguous abbreviation of a covered bond issuing entity and the designation of a covered bond</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Clients code</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Code of individual clients or group of connected clients</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Accounting standard</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>The accounting standard used to prepare figures or reports</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Reporting level</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>The level of consolidation of a report</DomainDescription>
    <DomainLabel>Code Lists</DomainLabel>
    <DomainDescription>Codes for use in various metrics</DomainDescription>

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